
    Parish of the Transfiguration Wilmington, MA

    St. Dorothy Church and St Thomas of Villanova Church


    Loving Christ,
    Loving Others

    Join us in the celebration of Word and Sacrament as we continue to grow in our Catholic faith and as a faith community. We welcome all to join us as we seek to follow Christ, to come alive in His Spirit, and to share His love with one another.

    View our mass times and special services

    Get directions to our parish to come visit
    See our religious education classes
    View all of our upcoming events and services


    There have been emails going out that look like they are from Fr. Colarusso and/or parish staff.  Please note that we will never send emails that look like the following: 

    Hello xxxxxx,
           How're you today? May the blessings and mercy of God be with you...... I need some assistance, I would be happy if you could help me out.
    I will wait for your reply via this email. 
    PS; Am on a conference meeting on zoom i will only reply via email. 
    Yours in Christ
         Fr. Darin Colarusso

    If you receive an email like this  please report it as junk and DO NOT RESPOND.  If you have any questions please call the parish office at 978-658-4665.

    Mass Times

    St. Thomas Church

    Sunday: 8 AM & Noon

    St. Dorothy Church

    Saturday: 4 PM

    Sunday: 10 AM

    Weekday Masses
    Monday - Friday: 9 AM at St. Dorothy Church

    First Saturday of every Month

    9:00am Mass at St. Thomas

    8:30am Rosary


    Starts at 8:25 AM prior to Daily Mass

    Sacrament of Reconciliation 

    Saturday: 3:00 to 3:45 PM at St. Dorothy Church or by appointment

    Adoration (will resume after Easter)

    Every Friday from 5-7pm at St. Dorothy's

    First Friday of the Month: 2 - 7 PM at St. Dorothy’s


    Wednesdays throughout Lent 

     Beginning March 12th 

           Adoration with Confession

           6:00PM @ St. Thomas Church

    Thursdays throughout Lent 

    Presentation on Knowing Jesus Christ

         6:00PM @ St. Dorothy Church 

    Fridays throughout Lent

    Stations and Simple Meal 

         6:00 PM @ St. Dorothy Church

    Upcoming & Current Events

    • 2025 Catholic Appeal

    • Pastor's Note

         Today in the Church Christmas comes to its final close, Ordinary Time begins on Monday, and we are well into the New Year.  I hope all are weathering the cold and wind as best as can be expected!  On behalf of Fr. Akilo and myself, I would like to express our gratitude for the innumerable best wishes, cards, and gifts of all sorts that you generously gave us at Christmas.  All were very appreciated.  Thank you!

         I am also grateful for how well our Advent and Christmas Seasons unfolded.  We added a lot of new things and tried to make things as beautiful and reverent as possible.  From what I’ve heard new items were well-received, our attendance was hopeful for the future, and we had a variety of events that set a pattern for community gatherings entering 2025.  For example, we estimate that over 400 people came to our first annual Lessons and Carols.  It flowed very smoothly and expertly for a first effort, so another thank you to everyone who pitched in to make the Christmas Season vibrant!

         It’s also important to state that going into the new year our finances have stabilized.  We have built up from our summer low due to the good response of our Grand Annual.  As a reminder, the Catholic Appeal will kickoff during Lent and “close” the Grand Annual season, so to speak, so please send in your donation if you have yet to do so.  We still rely on those gifts, or any addition you can make to the Offertory, because obviously winter costs are high and will deplete the boost to the operating account from the Grand Annual revenue.  As we continue through the winter, I am hopeful that we can continue to optimize our spending wherever possible.

         Finally, as winter becomes spring, we will continue to plan opportunities for community events and service in ministry.  Sometimes this may be unseen.  For example, we have a number of people finishing their sacraments or coming into full Communion with the Catholic Church and, on top of that, we are in the initial stages of developing more opportunities for our youth to grow in their Faith.  Please pray that our work will continue to bear fruit for the Lord and for we the people of the Parish of the Transfiguration.

    • Lenten Schedule & Regulations

    • A Journey Through Lent with Mary

      The Ladies Sodality invites all women of the parish to  join them on Monday, March 3rd in St. Dorothy Church for "A Journey Through Lent with Mary". A woman's reflection focusing  on our Blessed Mother. This will take the place of our March meeting.    

      We will begin with a rosary at 6:30 pm upstairs in the church followed by a presentation and fellowship downstairs from 7:00 - 9:00. Our presenter will be Lynne O'Connor of Women of Grace and St. Michael's Parish in Bedford.  More details will be in next week's bulletin.

    • Lenten Season Faith Sharing

      This Lent, you are invited to join Deacon Fred and other parishioners in a faith sharing program that will focus on conversion through the great themes of the Lenten season: being transfigured from thirst to water, from darkness to light, from Old Covenant written on stone to New Covenant written on our hearts.  Meeting days/times will be based on everyone's availability. 

       Sign up sheets will be in the bulletin and in the pews.  

    • First Saturday Mass




      Rosary begins at 8:30am.  Guided meditation and Confession follows Mass. 

      To keep the First Saturday Devotion in reparation for the sins and blasphemies against the Immaculate Heart and to receive the graces promised from it, one must attend Mass and receive Holy Communion, pray the rosary, and meditate on a mystery on the Rosary for 15 minutes. All are welcome to join us in this devotion to honor the Blessed Mother

    • Jubilee Year Prayer

      Father in heaven, may the faith you have gifted us in your son Jesus Christ, our brother,

      and the flame of charity kindled in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, reawaken in us the blessed hope for the coming of your Kingdom. 

      May your grace transform us into diligent cultivators of the evangelical seeds that make humanity and the cosmos rise unto the confident expectation of the new heavens and the new earth when,  with the powers of Evil overcome, your glory shall be manifested eternally. 

      May the grace of the Jubilee reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope, the yearning for heavenly treasures  and pour over all the earth the joy and peace of our Redeemer.

      To you God blessed in eternity, be praise and glory for ever and ever.  


    • Parish Volunteers

      A CORI FORM must be completed EVERY YEAR BY ALL VOLUNTEERS,  The new year began July 1, 2024 and will continue through June 30, 2025  

      NEW (FY) 24/25 CORI FORMS are available in the sacristy of both churches and at the Parish Office.   

      A Code of Conduct will be given to All New volunteers when the Cori is returned to be verified. 

      Again all volunteers must complete a CORI background screening prior to beginning ministry and annually after that. 

      All  Staff and Volunteers including all those in worship ministry, must complete a Protecting God’s Children VIRTUS TRAINING CLASS . 

      The Training class is only needed to be taken once.. 

      A Training class will be held: 

      Sunday, July 28th after the 8am (9:15am)Mass in the downstairs of St. Thomas Church and

      Thursday, Aug 22nd in the downstairs of St. Dorothy Church at 6pm 

      Please sign up by going to:

    • Wood Carving

      Do you like to carve wood?  We create handcrafted ornaments that we sell to provide money to vets and other people in need.  We meet on the first Saturday of every month in the basement of St. Thomas Church from 10AM to 4 PM. For More information, contact:   darren_boehm@yahoo.com

    • Grand Annual Letter

    • Faith Formation Registration

      Faith Formation Registration is now open for 2024-2025. Click here for the registration form. We also offer an adaptive faith formation class for students that need more assistance in the classroom. We also offer a heritage faith formation session class for students that have missed 1 or more years of faith formation and would like to return. If you have any question please email jeaniep@parishofthetransfiguration.org or call 978-658-6040.

    • Cursillo

    • iThirst Recovery

      Looking for spiritual help and support from addiction? Click here to learn more.

    • Men's Prayer Group

      SATURDAY MORNING MEN'S PRAYER GROUP MEETING. Click here to learn more.

    • Catholic TV Daily & Sunday Mass


      Cardinal Seán encourages Catholics to participate in the daily and Sunday Masses broadcast from the CatholicTV chapel.

      • Daily Mass airs live at 9:30am and is rebroadcast at 7pm and 11:30pm.
      • Sunday Masses air throughout the day at 10am, 4pm, 7pm, and 11:30pm.
      • The Sunday Spanish Mass airs live at 8am and is rebroadcast at 5:30pm and 10pm.

      Viewers can watch these Masses on demand at any time at www.WatchtheMass.com. For more information about CatholicTV and where you can watch it, visit http://www.catholictv.org/.

    • Pray for Ukraine

      Forgive us for the war, Lord. Lord Jesus, son of God, have mercy on us sinners. Lord Jesus, born under the bombs of Kyiv, have mercy on us. Lord Jesus, dead in the arms of a mother in Kharkiv, have mercy on us. Lord Jesus, in the 20-year-olds sent to the frontline, have mercy on us. Lord Jesus, who continues to see hands armed with weapons under the shadow of the cross, forgive us, Lord. Forgive us if, not content with the nails with which we pierced your hand, we continue to drink from the blood of the dead torn apart by weapons. Forgive us if these hands that you had created to protect have been turned into instruments of death. Forgive us, Lord, if we continue to kill our brother. Forgive us, Lord, if we continue to kill our brother, if we continue like Cain to take the stones from our field to kill Abel. Forgive us if we go out of our way to justify cruelty, if, in our pain, we legitimize the cruelty of our actions. Forgive us the war, Lord. Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, we implore you to stop the hand of Cain, enlighten our conscience, let not our will be done, do not abandon us to our own doing. Stop us, Lord, stop us, and when you have stopped the hand of Cain, take care of him also. He is our brother. O Lord, stop the violence. Stop us, Lord. Amen.          Pope Francis

    And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age."
    Matthew 28: 18-20 (RSV-CE)

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